How Academy Has Helped Richel Propel Her Business Forward

How Academy Has Helped Richel Propel Her Business Forward

In the fall of 2017, I felt like I was at a pivotal crossroads in my business—For the Good Events. I knew that the next 6 months would be make it or break it in terms of bringing my company to the next level and transforming it into something sustainable for the long run. The idea of investing in myself and education through the academy intimated me initially, especially when at that time, I was barely even paying myself. But there were things I just didn’t know how to do and the only way I could grow- both as a business and a business owner, was to make that investment. So, I signed up for the academy, hopped on a plane, and attended the academy that would be so pivotal in the growth of my business.

While the academy itself was only three days, I left feeling so empowered and ready to make changes in my own business. I had a plan and the tools/resources to accomplish it. And more than that, I felt like I had a support system that I could go to if I had questions, or even if I had a moment of self-doubt. Since attending the academy, I was able to:

  • Increase the pricing of my services by 30%-50%

  • Increase annual sales to 6 figures and growing consistently

  • Rebrand and elevate my messaging

  • Invest in a better office space

  • Hire full time staff

  • Expand our service regions

  • Develop our online wedding planning program

  • Partner with our local universities to be a guest lecturer in their events dept.

  • Travel for work regularly (obviously pre-COVID)

  • Offer pro-bono consulting to non-profits

  • Make charitable donations to my community

  • Provide scholarships to students

  • Find a good balance in my life

For each milestone listed above, I know it was a result of hard work and determination over the last few years. But, had I not gone to the academy, I don’t know if I would have had the resources, community, and courage to do all of that. The academy reminded me to value myself, my team, and my business. It empowered me to raise my prices and better showcase the value of my services, which in turn resulted in clients booking our higher-level packages. Growing my income enabled me to also invest in my team and take the business to where it is today. And with everything happening surrounding COVID, had it not been for my growth in business, I would not have had the systems and savings in place in order to protect myself and my team throughout these uncertain times.

I make it a point now, since 2017, that each year I would invest in at least 1 educational related thing for myself (and now my team members) to continue to elevate and grow. Whether that’s seminars, mentorships, conferences, etc., I make it an effort to always continue learning. The highlight of my 2019 was being able to take my full-time team member to the academy as my way of investing in her and growing together. To get to come back to the academy with my team member felt full circle. I remembered my first time walking in the doors of the academy feeling nervous and overwhelmed to when I came back last year feeling empowered and humbled.

My best piece of advice for any planner at any stage of their career is simple: never stop learning. Had I not taken the leap and attended academy to learn new things in 2017, I wouldn’t be here today, and my business wouldn’t be what it is now. Having the courage to keep learning (even when you’re already the boss) is such a humbling experience and so empowering when you can take what you’ve learned to transform your life. I’m so grateful for my time at the academy, and for every moment in my business since then.